# Background
Relationship LANGUAGE and CULTURE has many different things from each people in the other place. And relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. Different ideas stem from differing language use within one’s culture and the whole intertwining of these relationships start at one’s birth.
# Review
When an infant is born, it is not unlike any other infant born, in fact, quite similar. It is not until the child is exposed to their surroundings that they become individuals in and of their cultural group. This idea, which describes all people as similar at birth. From birth, the child’s life, opinions, and language are shaped by what it comes in contact with, and from physically and mentally everyone is the same, while the interactions between persons or groups vary widely from place to place. Patterns which emerge from these group behaviours and interactions will be approved of, or disapproved of. Behaviours which are acceptable will vary from location to location thus forming the basis of different cultures. It is from these differences that one’s view of the world is formed. culture is the beliefs and practices governing the life of a society for which a particular language is the vehicle of expression. Therefore, everyone’s views are dependent on the culture which has influenced them, as well as being described using the language which has been shaped by that culture. The understanding of a culture and its people can be enhanced by the knowledge of their language. This brings us to an interesting point brought up who argue that even though people are brought up under similar behavioural backgrounds or cultural situations but however speak different languages, their world view may be very different. But sometimes, different thoughts are brought about by the use of different forms of language. One is limited by the language used to express one’s ideas. Different languages will create different limitations, therefore a people who share a culture but speak different languages, will have different world views. Still, language is rooted in culture and culture is reflected and passed on by language from one generation to the next.
Since there is a close relationship between a language and its culture, wierzbicka (1991:69) also states four point that should be put under consideration in the process of learning a new or foreign language.
1. In different societies and different communities, people speak differently.
2. These differences in ways of speaking are profound and systematic.
3. These differences reflect different cultural values, or at laest hierarchies of values.
4. Different ways of speaking as well as different communicative styles can be explained established different cultural values and cultural priorities.
These four points are of fundamental importance not only from the point of view our knowledge and understanding of the word, but also from a practical, social point of view, and in particular from the point of view of cross-culture understanding.
# Summary
Finally,The use of language are the index of culture can be seen in the way of expressing the speaker insight and experiences in perceiving the word. language and culture are intertwined to such an extent whereas one cannot survive without the other. It is impossible for one to teach language without teaching culture. The use of language as the symbol of culture deals with its function to characterize the existence of an ethnic group or tribe as ethno linguistic group as well as a speech community or language society ( Brigtht, 1992 ; sapir in mandelbaum, 1956).
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